RKita – Contadores Associados | e-mail: contato@rkita.com.br

Accounting office with the purpose of registering a new company in Brazil

The bureaucratic work and the process to register a new company in Brazil can be under the responsibility of accounting offices that operate internationally,  providing bilingual, administrative, financial and tax services support to multinationals, startups and companies that wish to operate or expand their operations in the country.

Brazil is known for the complexity of its tax structure, which varies in definition and classification, according to the company’s activity, size, capital, area of operation, physical location, among other factors.

Therefore, from a top consulting and proactive approach the accounting office provides complete in Brazil about the necessary measures for the correct establishment of the business as well as in the country, legal representation, necessary visas, banking procedures and other activities.

In addition, the accounting office can create an action plan and carry out all the actions for the business to start working effectively, with legal protection and all records according to the regulatory agencies.

To do this kind of work, it is essential to rely on a company that has knowledge in international services, such as RKita – Contadores Associados.

Our company is composed of experienced, competent accountants and professionals who have plenty of expertise in regard to the operations in the international sector and who work with customized solutions for each contractor. Contact us right now!

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